IJOI Vol. 24
The Wisdom of Managing Wisdom Teeth
Part III. Methods of Molar Uprighting
Lin JJ
There are many ways of uprighting impacted molars. Many techniques of molar uprighting have been described in literature1-3. Several of them involve removable appliances which require patient cooperation4, and/or surgical exposure of the impacted molar,or removing part of the alveolar bone5. Through the advancement of wire materials and TADs (temporary anchorage devices), the method of molar uprighting has been greatly simplified. (Int J Orthod Implantol 2011;24:4-11)
Highly Positioned and Transalveolar Impacted Maxillary Canine
Su B, Chang CH, Roberts WE
A 13-year-7-month-old female was referred for orthodontic consultation (Figure 1). Her chief concern was the edentulous space for an unerupted permanent canine (Figure 2 and 3). A specific surgical plan to expose and retract the impacted canine was proposed. There was no contributory medical or dental history. Clinical examination revealed bilateral Class I molar relationship and minor crowding in both arches. The patient was treated to an acceptable result as documented in Figures 4-9, as will be subsequently discussed. (Int J Orthod Implantol 2011;24:14-26)
A Severe Skeletal Class III Open Bite Malocclusion Treated with Non-surgical Approach
Huang S, Chang CH, Roberts WE
History and Etiology
This 20-year-8-month-old male presented with a chief concern of “anterior cross bite and prognathic mandible.” He has seen at least two other orthodontists and was told that surgery is the only solution for his severe malocclusion. Oral soft tissues, periodontium, frena, and gingival health were all within normal limits. Oral hygiene was excellent. Medical and dental histories were noncontributory. (Int J Orthod Implantol 2011;24:28-39)
Step-by-Step on the Open-Window Technique for Upper Palatal Impaction
Yeh HY, Chang CH
Open window technique is a commonly used surgical option to treat palatally impacted teeth. This article aims to provide step-by-step illustrations on the surgical procedures so doctors can use them as a checklist before approaching this type of cases. (Int J Orthod Implantol 2011;24:40-43)
Soft Tissue Considerations for Themanagement of Impactions
Chang CH, Su B, Hsu YL, Roberts WE
Treating impacted teeth requires an interdisciplinary approach that involves various aspects of periodontal management, as well as the orthodontic considerations. Hence, patients with impacted teeth usually require a longer period of treatment and may have a compromised result if soft tissue is not carefully managed. To consistently achieve an esthetic result requires a thorough diagnosis, optimal treatment planning, and well-coordinated surgical and orthodontics treatment. (Int J Orthod Implantol 2011;24:50-59)
The Dream Screw for Next Generation’s Orthodontists
Hsu YL, Chang CH, Roberts WE
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